Sunday Services Times - 7:30am & 10:30am
       Holy Communion Will Be Offered at All Services on the First and Third Sundays
       Ash Wednesday Worship Times: March 5th – 10:30am & 7:00pm
       Mid-Week Lent Worship Flyer - HERE
       VANCO - Online Giving!
Lutheran Church of the Cross - Port Charlotte, Florida LCMS - Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
Lutheran Church of the Cross - Port Charlotte, Florida
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Welcoming all to walk together toward an abundant life in Christ
Lutheran Church of the Cross - Port Charlotte, Florida
Lutheran Church of the Cross eNewsletter
Lutheran Church of the Cross - Committees

Look to this area for future information on our church choir.

Please call the church office for information on joining our Hand Bell Choir.

The Altar Guild consists of members who care for the Altar on a weekly basis. There are generally two or three members who serve each month. If you would be interested in serving on the Altar Guild, please contact the Pastor.

Stephen MinistryWe need to find men and women who are willing to answer Jesus' call to serve as Stephen Ministers, which begins with 50 hours of stimulating and useful training in Christian caring skills. This training will be led by trained Stephen Leaders and will include a variety of topics such as listening, Christian assertiveness, maintaining boundaries in care giving and grief. The training is distinctively Christian and focuses on God as the one who cures as we care.

Stephen Ministers commit to at least two years for training, service and regular supervision. While being a Stephen Minister requires commitment of time and effort, it also brings joy and fulfillment. You will use the skills that you learn not only in your caring ministry, but also in your everyday relationship with family, friends, neighbors and coworkers.

If you are interested in additional information, please contact the church office at 941-627-6060.

David Gruntman,
Stephen Ministry Leader

The Parish Guild is a terrific group of ladies who serve our Lord by supporting the ministry at Lutheran Church of the Cross and the Sarasota Zone of the Lutheran Women's Missionary League. Meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month, September through May, at 1pm. Meetings include refreshments, prayer and a devotion as well as a short business session.

All of our congregation’s women are members of the LWML Parish Guild, which is a chartered auxiliary of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. The LWML Parish Guild organizes a rummage sale and bake sale each year, held at the church in February before Lent, and operates a resource counter in the Fellowship and Ministry Center, where the ladies sell Christian greeting cards. These activities raise funds that support their church projects as well as some organizations in our community (i.e. Meals on Wheels, etc.). The LWML Parish Guild actively supports the mission of Lutheran Church of the Cross and offers a wonderful fellowship opportunity.

Evangelism & Outreach is under development ... please check back soon.






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2300 Luther Road
(Deep Creek)
Port Charlotte, FL 33983
Phone: 941-627-6060
Fax: 941-627-5467
Mon. - Fri. 9am - 3pm
Mon., Wed. & Thurs. 9am - Noon
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